Based on the findings of our extensive research of the Latin American region, we are confident that our proven know-how of non-performing receivables management will strive in the specific business environment of Latin America and Caribbean States.
We have cultivated strong business partnerships throughout the years of our operations in Asia and the CEE region, which should prove beneficial during the initial expansion in Latin American countries. Our competitive advantage lies in our advanced software solutions that can easily be implemented and multiplied across the countries of this region.
Using our proven and highly successful methods of portfolio analysis, we are capable of effectively assessing the projected performance and valuation of purchased portfolios from capital companies that provide cash and consumer loans.
We have a history in this business
Launch of operations in Central Europe
Expansion of operations in the Asian Market
Closely monitoring and researching new opportunities in the Latin American Region
Launch of operations in Mexico
Launch of operations in Brasil
Launch of operations in the United States of America
Launch of operations in Egypt
r2p LA&CS deals with the purchase and management of receivables. We maintain a balance between debtors and creditors. All investments are governed by the r2p Invest SICAV fund and administrated by a duly licensed company.
People, people, people. It’s all about people. Here is our A-team. Nice to meet you.
Bohuslav Kratena
Chief Executive Officer
Bohuslav has graduated with an advanced degree in law and economics from universities in Prague. He has spent the majority of his career working in Chief Financial Officer positions in companies from various industries – ranging from agricultural companies to non-performing receivables management market. His expertise is in finding unique solutions when it comes to managing company finances.

Ludek Cernovicky
Strategic Financial Advisory
After graduating from the University of Economics in Prague Ludek has spent his career working for a leading Investment Company in Central Europe in the position of Chief Financial Officer. Due to his extensive financial background, Ludek is our strategic advisor when it comes to investment evaluation and financial planning.